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How do I reconcile the payroll?

Modified on Tue, 10 Dec, 2024 at 3:11 PM

Cintra iQ allows you to the check data in readiness for authorisation to pay employees and print or publish payslips. You can perform the following:
  1. Review all the forms in Cintra iQ against an employee record
  2. Generate Payroll reports.

For new starters/new or changed data

Cintra iQ is a people database which includes records for applicants, and trainers as well as employees. HR may have created the Personnel Record and then created the Employment Record as determined by your organisation. This article presumes HR responsibility will end once they have completed the Post History form. In summary, HR will create the Personnel Record and attach it to an Employment Record; completing the forms up to and including Post History.
If you are using salary management (spine points) then it may be that the HR department will attach the relevant grade and spine point but for the purpose of this article, it is assumed that payroll will perform this task. Payroll should at least check the validity of this information for all new starters.
A brief explanation below will take you through the following forms and the significance to Payroll.
The minimum requirement for an Employment Record is the data on the Employment Details form. Additional information can be entered or viewed using the other forms listed in the Cintra iQ layout. You can hold an Employment Record for all employees (historically and/or currently employed).


You can also hold Employment Records for off payroll workers subject to IR35 Regulations. For more information, off payroll working, see HMRC Regulations.


Employment Summary

The Employment Summary displays the details of employment such as Job title, current posts, managers, job location, employment start date etc. Go to Cintra iQ: Employment record> Forms> Employment Summary.
You cannot amend any data on this form as the data comes from several other forms.
For instance, when you amend an employee’s address in Personnel Records for example, the Employment Summary form is automatically updated. For more information see About Personnel Record Data.
Also, when a new appointment is created in Self-Service, the data entered will appear in the Employment Summary once the employment is actioned. For more information about New Appointments, see What are New Appointments?


The Employment Summary form may be different for each client as it is customisable. For more information, see Cintra Support.


Employment Details

You can use this form to edit the Employee's employment details such as EmployerStart Date, and Continuous Service etc. 
Go to Cintra iQ: Employment record> Forms> Employment Details
How do I create a new employment record?
To create a new Employment Record, right -click: New in the Navigator. The Insert Employee Wizard window appears. Enter the Employee's employment details.
Once the desired information is entered, you can either click the Finish button to exit the wizard or Next to continue to add information to the rest of the forms.

Working Time

You can record which days to assign to an employee that are non working days and which days are working day, by using the Time Management window within Cintra iQ. The working day pattern will be displayed on the employee's calendar.
Go to Cintra iQ: Employment record> Forms> Working Time


For more information about Time Management, see What are Working Times/FTE Ratios? 


Post History

Within the Post History window, you can assign a post to an employee. You can also apply spine points, work patterns and projects to the employee for this post.


If you have chosen not to use posts, but you do pay employees by grade and/or pay spine, then the Grade form will be available to you and configured to allow the input of grade history and/or spine point history for an employee. For more information about Grades, see the Grades check list.

Go to Cintra iQ: Employment record> Forms> Post History


For more information about Post History, see the Post History check list. 



All payroll elements can be allocated automatically to Cost Codes so that finance journal data can be produced for each payroll period. The Department/Costing form allows you to set up a default cost allocation for an employee.
The Organisational Unit History pane displays the employee's organisational unit history as defined by your organisation chart. The Default Cost Code pane displays the default cost code assigned to the employee.
Go to Cintra iQ: Employment record> Forms> Department/Costing


For more information about assign Cost Codes, see How Do I Assign Cost Codes to an Employee's Payroll Period? 

Payroll Membership

The Payroll Membership form is essential to determine which payroll the employee will be paid from.


A Payroll Membership must be set up for a new starter as part of their set up process. If you have more than one payroll on your database, you can transfer an employee from one payroll membership to another under the same PAYE reference.


This is only applicable when each of the payrolls sit within the same PAYE reference. Fo rmore information about Payroll Memberships, see the Payroll Membership check list

Go to Cintra iQ: Employment record> Forms> Payroll Membership


The Calendar displays the working and non working days for an employee, and any other absence or attendance data that was entered. You can use the Calendar to create SicknessMaternityPaternity, Annual LeaveAdoption Leave etc. Go to Cintra iQ: Employment record> Form> Calendar
Go to Cintra iQ: Employment record> Form> Calendar


For more information about Absences, see the Absence checklist.

Payments and Rates

The Standard Payments and Rates form is where you identify all standard additions to pay the employee.
Go to Cintra iQ: Employment record> Form> Payments/Rates
The Allowances and Rates Summary tab displays a summary of all payments and rates of pay for an employee over time. You can use the date range at the top of the form to view historic information.
You can add or amend standard payments by using the Set Up Individual Allowances and Rates tab.


For more information about Payments and Rates, see Frequently Questions about Payments and Rates.


The Deductions form is used for all standing non-statutory deductions including attachment of earnings orders, loans and voluntary deductions:
Go to Cintra iQ: Employment Record> Forms> Deductions
Tab Description

Deductions Summary tab

Within the Deductions Summary tab, you can view all of the currently active deductions.

AOE Deductions tab

You may receive a court order from either a council or agency who wish to recover money directly through the employee's pay.
With Cintra iQ, you can set up different types of attachment of earning orders (AOEs) so that money can be automatically taken from an employee's wages.
The left hand pane displays all orders that have been applied to an employee. The right hand pane displays the Deduction amounts for the selected order, where the amount was specified by the court (and not automatically calculated e.g. council tax). For information about AOEs, see How Do I Set up Attachment of Earning Orders?

Loan Repayments tab

The left hand pane displays any loan(s) given to the employee. The right hand pane displays the details of the repayments for any particular loan.
Go to Cintra iQ: Payroll> Payroll Setup> Adjustments> Deduction Headings
For more information about repaying loans, see the Loan Repayments checklist.

Voluntary Deductions tab


Use this tab to set up any other voluntary employee deductions. The left hand pane displays any deduction(s) given to the employee. The right hand pane displays the details of the selected deduction(s).
Go to Cintra iQ: Payroll> Payroll Setup> Adjustments> Deduction Headings
For more information about Voluntary Deductions, see the Voluntary Deductions checklist.



The Expenses and Benefits form is used for any employee benefits. These can include pension schemes, company vehicles, mileage schemes, and other company benefits provided by the employer such as health insurance etc.
Go to Cintra iQ: Employment Record> Forms> Expenses/Benefits
Tab Description

Pension & Benefits Schemes tab

You can create pension and benefit membership schemes for the employee and view auto enrolment details using the Pension & Benefits Schemes tab.
Go to Cintra iQ: Employment Record> Forms> Expenses/Benefits> Pension & Benefits Schemes

Private Mileage Schemes tab

You can assign an employee to a private mileage scheme membership, using the Private Mileage Schemes tab.
Go to Cintra iQ: Employment Record> Forms> Expenses/Benefits> Pension & Benefits Schemes

Company Vehicle Usage tab

Once you have created a record of the vehicle, you are now ready to assign the vehicle to an employee. You can create a new record in the Vehicle Usage tab for each car made available to the employee, with the date range in which they have access to it.
Go to Cintra iQ: Employment Record> Forms> Expenses/Benefits> Pension & Benefits Schemes tab

Other Payrolled Benefits tab


You can maintain employee data for other payrolled benefits, using the Other Payrolled Benefits tab.
Go to Cintra iQ: Employment Record> Forms> Expenses/Benefits> Other Payrolled Benefits tab.

Other P11D Benefits tab


You can record employee loans and private medical treatment or insurance information, by using the Other P11D Benefits tab. You can select the desired tax year to view historic P11D data.
Go to Cintra iQ: Employment Record> Forms> Expenses/Benefits> Other P11D Benefits tab

P11D/P9D tab


You can view a summary of all benefits to be reported on the P11D for any particular tax year. You can select the desired tax year to view historic P11D data. 
Go to Cintra iQ: Employment Record> Forms> Expenses/Benefits> P11D/P9D tab



For more information about Payroll Benefits, see the Payrolled Benefits check list.


Sick Pay

You can view and record Statutory Sick Pay and Occupational Sick Pay information for the employee, by using the Sick Pay form. Sick records are created in the first instance via the Calendar
Go to Cintra iQ: Employment Record> Forms> Sick Pay

Tab Description
Statutory tab

Statutory Sick Pay Claims are automatically created when sickness records are created in the Calendar. You can review the claim's Sickness Dates and PIW Details and also update the employee's Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) details such as Qualifying DaysSSP DaysRelevant EarningsPayment Details, and Exclusion Settings using the Statutory tab.

Go to Cintra iQ: Employment Record> Forms> Sick Pay > Statutory tab

Occupational tab 
Cintra iQ provides a facility to manage a range of Occupational Sick Pay (OSP) schemes. OSP entitlements are calculated by length of continuous service and paid as a factor of full pay. 
An employee can be attached to one scheme at any specific date, but you can create any number of schemes with different rules.
Go to Cintra iQ: Employment Record> Forms> Sick Pay > Occupational tab



For more information about Sick Pay, see the Sick Pay check list.


Parental Payment

You can calculate a parental absence payment schedule for an employee taking parental leave, and pay the requisite amounts each period. You can create, edit and view parental payment schedules for the employee, by using the Parental Payments form. 
Go to Cintra iQ: Employment Record> Forms> Parental Pay
Tab Description

Maternity Pay tab

Within Cintra iQ, you can create a Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP) claim for an employee who is going on maternity leave via the Calendar.
Go to Cintra iQ: Employment Record> Forms> Parental Pay> Maternity Pay tab

Paternity Pay tab

Within Cintra iQ, you can create a Statutory Paternity Pay (SPP) claim for an employee who is going on paternity leave.
Go to Cintra iQ: Employment Record> Forms> Parental Pay> Paternity Pay tab

Adoption tab

Within Cintra iQ, you can create a Statutory Adoption Pay (SAP) claim for an employee who is going on adoption leave, by using the Adoption Pay tab.
Go to Cintra iQ: Employment Record> Forms> Parental Pay> Adoption Pay tab

Shared Parental Leave tab


Within Cintra iQ, you can create a Shared Parental Leave Pay (ShPL) claim for an employee who is going on shared parental leave, by using the Shared Parental Leave tab.
Go to Cintra iQ: Employment Record> Forms> Parental Pay> Shared Parental Leave tab



For more information about Parental Payments, see the Occupational Parental Payments check list.


Tax and NI

Within Cintra iQ, you can enter Tax and National Insurance details for the employee.
Go to Cintra iQ: Employment Record> Forms> Tax and NI

Tab Description

Tax tab 

You can view tax codes within the Tax and NI tab, by using the Tax tab.
Note: To create a new starter, you need to create a new starter statement using the Tax tab within the Tax & NI Details window. For more information, see How Do I Create a New Starter Statement? Within the Tax tab, you can suppress tax rebates by using the Tax Rebates button.. You can also set up a student loan manually by using the Student Loans button.
Go to Cintra iQ: Employment Record> Forms> Tax and NI> Tax tab

National Insurance tab

Within the National Insurance tab, you can perform the following: 

    • Make irregular payments to a leaver in the current period.
    • Assign apprenticeship status to the employee.
    • Create new national insurance category records.
    • Assign National Insurance Director Status to the current tax year.
      • Manually adjust National Insurance earnings and contribution

As default, if you don’t make any entry into the National Insurance form, Cintra iQ will assume NI Category A or M will be used for the employee.
Note: If an employee is over retirement age , you will need to change the NI Category.
Go to Cintra iQ: Employment Record> Forms> Tax and NI> National Insurance tab

HMRC Forms Sent tab 

Within the Tax and NI form, you can view which forms have been historically sent to HMRC, by using the HMRC Forms Sent tab.
Go to Cintra iQ: Employment Record> Forms> Tax and NI> HMRC Forms Sent tab

RTI Details tab

Within the Tax and NI form, you can record any irregular payments and unpaid absences using the RTI Details tab. You can also flag whether the employer is an off-payroll worker subject to IR35 regulations.
Go to Cintra iQ: Employment Record> Forms> Tax and NI> RTI Details tab 
For more information about Real Time Information (RTI), see What is Real Time Information?


Banking Details

Within Cintra iQ, you can create an active Bank Details record by entering UK and International payment preferences or you can edit an existing record.
Go to Cintra iQ: Employment record> Form> Banking Details


For more information about entering bank details, see How Do I Enter Bank Details?


Payroll Period Input

Within Cintra iQ, all standard Payments and Deductions and Expenses & Benefits that are maintained in the relevant forms for the employee record are calculated when a pay period is opened and will sit in the Payroll Period Input form on the relevant tabs. 
Variable input can be entered directly into the Payroll Period Input form and anything that is in the form can be manually adjusted, although it is recommended that you don’t overwrite any standard values that could be relevant to a future correction, such as salary.
The Payroll Period Input and Corrections form displays the standard values and any that have come from a batch within the current period.
Go to Cintra iQ: Employment record> Forms> Payroll Period Input
Tab Description

Payments and Rates tab

For more information about the Payments and Rates tab, see How Do I Input Variable Payments and Rates for the Current Period?

Voluntary Deductions tab

For more information about Voluntary Deductions, see the Voluntary Deductions tab

Pension/Benefit Contributions tab

You can manually enter Pension and/or Benefit Contribution data for an employee for the current pay period via Payroll Period Input. For more information about the Pension/Benefit Contributions tab, see How Do I Enter Pension/Benefit Contribution Data for the Current Period?

Loan Repayments tab

You can modify a loan repayment amount via Payroll Period Input. For more information about Loan Repayments, see How Do I Edit a Loan Repayment for the Current Period?

AOE Deductions tab


You can modify an AOE Deduction amount in the current period via Payroll Period Input

Mileage Claims tab


Once you have created the Mileage Scheme for private car users, you can enter a mileage claim for an employee, even if they do not need to receive a regular allowance. For more information about the Mileage Claims tab, see the Mileage Scheme check list.

Payrolled Benefits tab


You can modify a Payrolled Benefit amount in the current pay period.

Voluntary Deductions tab

For more information about Voluntary Deductions, see the Voluntary Deductions check list.


Within Cintra iQ, you can perform a payroll calculation on the employee's payslip and check the payslip's details before it is sent out.
Go to Cintra iQ: Employment record> Forms> Payslip


For more information about payslips, see the Payslip check list.

Employee Tasks

Within Cintra iQ, you have the ability to create a Task list for an employee using the Employee Task functionality. This is so that you can check that required tasks are performed for the employee.
Go to Cintra iQ: Employment record> Form> Employee Tasks


For more information about Employee Tasks, see the Payroll Tasks and Employee Task check list.


For more information about Leavers, see How Do I Make an Employee a Leaver?


Cintra iQ holds full functionality for occupational sick pay schemes and calculating sickness benefits according to these internal rules. This is linked and offset according to organisational rules with Statutory Sick Pay. For more information, see the Sick Pay checklist.


Maternity record for SMP needs to be created by the Maternity Calendar event, therefore, this cannot be edited until the Calendar event has been entered. For more information about Maternity Claims, see the Occupational Parental Pay checklist.

Checking Data

Cintra iQ holds a number of standard reports to allow you to check your data. For more information, see the Overview of Standard Payroll Reports within Cintra iQ.

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